The Life Insurance Dr team has brought over $6 billion of death benefit policies to the market over the past 12 years.


The simple answer is the policies run out of cash and the policies crash….perhaps the better question is WHAT CAN POLICY OWNERS DO ABOUT IT?

Get a doctor…AKA as the “Life insurance Dr.” We diagnose and treat what is ailing your policy

Let the Doctor Diagnose and Treat What’s Ailing Your Policy

Policy Checkup Life Settlements
Everything begins with an expert life insurance performance review. We determine:

  • Policy viability
  • Gaps in coverage
  • Potential adverse tax liabilities
  • Potential cost savings
    Learn More
There are many reasons why policy owners may want to sell their policy:

  • Increased costs to maintain the policy
  • Need for immediate cash
  • Charitable contribution
  • No longer need the policy
    Learn More

The Life Insurance Dr is a life insurance advisor, expert, and consultant

Not only is he trained to diagnose problems and issues with existing policies…..but also equipped with a variety of strategies, resources, and techniques to help consumers avoid their policies from “lapsing” thus creating maximum savings and value to the policy owners.


A prominent estate planning attorney in the Chicago area started referring some of his clients to me for policy review. After a year or so, he saw the tremendous value I was able to offer his clients in generating cash and cash savings for his clients through the review process. He also experienced the client’s gratitude that I was able to help them avoid some potentially serious tax consequences and other issues they were not even aware of.

As a result, he started telling more clients about me and said I was like a doctor. One who had the ability to diagnose the problems, but better yet, had creative solutions to deal with these issues. As soon as he shared this with me, I decided to brand my services as the Life Insurance Dr.

If you are an attorney, CPA, or financial advisor, click here to learn how we could collaborate on behalf of your clients.

Let's Get Started
Let's Get Started

Review Your Policy

Find extra money to fund your retirement, go on vacation, care for a loved one, and more!

Get a FREE no-obligation review of your life insurance policy.

Schedule a Consultation

The Life Insurance Doctor

David Kottler

My mission and passion…to help consumers get the full value of the policies they contribute their hard-earned dollars to for many years and deliver the results they were counting on for their families, business, employees, and loved ones.

David Kottler is a national speaker, author, and entrepreneur who combines his legal and business experience to produce game-changing results for clients by providing cash, cash savings, and tax savings through his portfolio rescue process.

In 1995, David changed careers and became a financial planner, where he was able to pursue his lifelong goal of helping business owners and families effectively transfer wealth and make an impact through philanthropy. Today, through his company, The Life Insurance Doctor™, David leverages outside-the-box thinking to create game-changing results for his clients by using an innovative “True Value” life insurance review process that employs creative buy-and-sell techniques. Over the past few years, he has generated millions of dollars in cash and tax benefits for his clients.

David’s main passion is philanthropy. He believes there is a great need for education and guidance for high net worth individuals who wish to align life goals with hard-earned wealth. David’s objective is to collaborate with clients to produce the best financial and philanthropic results for them by enabling them to understand the “why” of planning.

He lives in Cleveland with his wife, Marcela, where they have raised a blended family of nine children and currently have five lovely grandchildren. He is an avid golfer which has been a lifelong passion.

Don’t Take Our Word For It – What our Clients have to Say!

I wanted to let you know, I used Kottler for a very complex estate planning case and he was truly amazing. He is the best I have ever worked with, creative and great resources. Every client over 70 is an opportunity to sell an unnecessary policy or restructure stale plans.

Gary Shamis, CPA, M. Acc. Senior Managing Director and Founder, SS&G, Inc. – CPAs and Advisers

David has been a trusted advisor for the insurance and estate planning needs of our executives for the past two decades. We value his experience and knowledge. In the past several years, David has identified solutions with beneficial financial and tax planning results which we have utilized.

Mark Wester, Senior VP and CFO, Waxman Industries, Inc.

David Kottler is a passionate, genuine, and caring person who would do almost anything to help another human in need of help that his skill set and abilities have allowed him to be able to do in this life When it comes to Jewish philanthropy and or the Hebrew word (tzedakah), I would recommend David. (From: Current board member with the Cleveland Hillel in Cleveland, Ohio, and the corporate executive leadership committee with Hattie Larlham and co-owner of Majestic Steel USA, Inc.)

Jonathan Adam Leebow, Majestic Steel USA

I have known David for over ten years. We have collaborated on various projects with an emphasis on helping local charities through advanced planning techniques. His education, as well as being an attorney and a seasoned businessman, helps make complicated matters easy to understand. I have seen David utilize his “outside the box” thinking to resolve a potential or existing problem for clients. In some cases, the client was not even aware they had a problem. I highly recommend him.

Nobby Lewandowski - CPA, MBA, Philanthropist, Author, Speaker

David’s unique ability is his honesty, integrity, and negotiating skills. I believe he is one of the best negotiators and also has the characteristics of determination and persistence. He gets things done and shows great intelligence for the financial and insurance business.

Mel Waxman, Business Owner and Philanthropist